unPhone 9 on sale at Pimoroni

The first retail release of the unPhone (hardware spin 9) is now available from Pimoroni!

Iā€™m very excited about getting one of these once itā€™s back in stock.

One question though: does the software support LoRA in the 915 MHz band out of the box? The schematics indicate ā€œRFM95W 868MHzā€, but the RFM95W is usually tunable in software to either the 868 or the 915 MHz band. Iā€™ve search a bit and found no immediate answer.

The pimo folks have more stock just need to assemble them :slight_smile:

Gareth said this re. the 868/915 question on the meshtastic discord recently: ā€œthe hoperf module RFM95W used on unPhone is dual band, it can do 868MHz or 915MHz. We have a little internal tiny spring-like ariel which is tuned (!) for 868, you might need to replace this to get 915 working wellā€¦ā€

Iā€™ve had contacts from up to 60 miles away from my top floor room in the last couple of days on 868, so Iā€™d be hopeful that 915 isnā€™t too dissimilar. (Admittedly I live on a hill!)

Hello eblues and so excited with you for your upcoming unPhone!

So ā€˜out of the boxā€™ the unPhone is loaded with a test program that doesnā€™t really use LoRa much, just verifies the chip is working.

Our libraries include arduino-lmic and arduino-lorawan (both from mcci-catena) to make writing your own code as easy as possible. Those libraries can take a configuration to set the region, we do this mostly in platformio.ini with a line in the build flags like " -D CFG_eu868=1" - you could change this to " -D CFG_us915=1".

Hope that helps - let us know if you need more informationā€¦

Kind regards


Thanks Gareth and also thank you Hamish for the previous reply.

Changing compile time flags is not a problem.

Tuning the antenna might be. Is there a connector? Can it be replaced? How would I go ahead and tune it? For all practical purposes, you can assume I have no issues with software but I can do hardware hacking only at a kindergarten level.

Iā€™m not an expert on antennas but I have a suspicion that 868 and 915 mhz are close enough to work on the same wire. Otherwise it would be a screwdriver and solder job :slight_smile:

Tomorrow Iā€™m posting some units to a dev in the US so should have more definitive feedback when he gets them.

Hth H

Thanks. Iā€™d be interested in the results given Iā€™m essentially looking for a LoRA ā€œHIDā€ device sort of thing and getting decent range (not quite 60 miles but at least 10-20) would be somewhat essential.

Iā€™ve also asked the Pimoroni folks if they have plans to make a US version with a US antenna. I suspect everybody in the US is going to have a similar question.

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Makes sense! Have a good one

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Iā€™m not a certified grey beard radio ham, but it seems that the 868 and 915MHz spring type PCB antennas are only different by 0.5 mm / 20 thousandsth of an inch.

So pretty confident that Pimoroni will be able to fit the larger aerial into the unPhone!

Yes, I donā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about when it comes to antennas, but I was sort of assuming that the slightly higher frequency antenna is slightly smaller smaller than the slightly lower frequency one. Assuming a different antenna even makes sense, of course.

Theyā€™re in stock again btw